What is proper dental hygiene?

Proper dental hygiene involves cleaning your teeth twice daily—once in the morning and once at night. It also includes daily flossing and brushing.

What can happen if I don't practice good dental hygiene?

If you don't practice good dental hygiene, several issues can arise. First, you may experience bad breath. Second, your gums could become inflamed due to plaque buildup. Third, you risk developing periodontal disease, which involves significant bone loss and inflamed gums, potentially leading to tooth loss.

What are the main duties of a dental hygienist?

The main duty of a dental hygienist is to help you monitor your gum health annually. They also educate you on proper flossing and brushing techniques, especially in areas that need special attention. Essentially, a dental hygienist acts as a partner in maintaining your oral health, seeing you twice or even four times a year.

What is involved in a dental cleaning?

During a dental cleaning, your dentist evaluates your gums and thoroughly cleans your teeth. They also educate you on areas that need special care and schedule your next cleaning appointment, typically in six or four months.

What kind of tools do dental hygienists use?

Dental hygienists use several tools, including a Cavitron, an ultrasonic device that removes hard plaque, and a dental scaler, which cleans any remaining small debris that the ultrasonic device couldn't remove.

Does a hygienist's teeth cleaning usually hurt?

A hygienist's teeth cleaning usually does not hurt; it often feels like a massage for your gums and teeth, leaving you feeling refreshed afterward.

How long should a typical dental cleaning take?

A typical dental cleaning takes about 45 minutes.

Why is deep cleaning by a dental hygienist necessary?

Deep cleaning is necessary when your gum pocket depths are above 4 millimeters. It involves using a special scaler tool to clean deep within the gums, removing bacteria that a regular toothbrush can't reach. This process helps reduce inflammation and bacterial load, allowing your gums to reattach and stay healthy.

Is it necessary to do anything after a dental cleaning?

Yes, it is essential to maintain your home care routine after a dental cleaning. This includes brushing twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Your dental hygienist will also monitor your gum health during your routine check-ups.

How should I schedule a dental hygiene appointment?

To schedule a dental hygiene appointment, you can call our office. Alternatively, your dental hygienist will schedule your next appointment after your current cleaning.

I hope I have been able to answer your questions regarding dental hygiene. If you have any further questions, please call Palm Harbor Premier Dental at (727) 349-3615.